Lost and Found in the New Normal


The world is constantly changing,
and the current pace is beyond fast.

Life gets blurry.

And with this fast paced life comes

Lack of depth
Lack of knowledge
Lack of experience
Lack of obedience
Lack of graciousness
Lack of mercy
To say the least…..

And rushing into to fill this lack comes the

Rise of idolatry
Rise of violence
Rise of greed
Rise of bullying
Rise of intolerance
Rise of oppression

And so we offer our Omniallinfinitude Journeys
As a way to stand against the rising tide,
A way to find life and light in spite of the hopelessness,
And an anchor in the waves of uncertainty and endless change.

We have completed revamping the website into a simple place to access and download the 12 Omniallinfinitude Journeys for your own personal or group use.

And a place for the Omni Blog….And that’s all…..

The internet has become such a crazy, ever changing destination,  life is so scattered and fast, so we sought to use the best it could offer and hope to lead you to quieter offline places to complete your Omniallinfinitude Journeys.

This blog will be for my reflections on engaging the attributes of God and the spiritual practices as I continue my own Spiritual Journey with Jesus.  I will also share resources I find helpful, verses and quotes that speak to me, beauty I find in photographs, and my own struggles with the ways of this world.

There will be no way for anyone to contact us via this website – so much spam and junk and virus attacks occur so we have locked it down.  There will also be no comments on the blog for website security purposes.  We can be reached via FB Messenger and we are looking into a presence on other social media platforms.

This process has taken 10 years and has been rewritten and reorganized multiple times.  We have tried to make it as easy to access as possible. The PDF can be downloaded and viewed and completed on your computer or tablet, or you can print it out and fill it in old school.

This is a free resource.  We have no plans to publish it in a book form or to charge for it.  We are not interested in causing any uproar or trouble and will ignore any attempts of others to do so.

We believe that God will draw as He wills those He wants to engage these Journeys, and we will continue to use them for our own personal one on one mentoring, small group and other discipling opportunities.

We welcome you once again to the Omniallinfinitude Journey,

A Journey of a lifetime,
One initially to know Jesus
And then to walk with Him,